
Aliuminio durys

Aluminium windows

PRODUCTION LINE manufactures various types of windows. We help you find the best solution by choosing the most suitable type and functionality of windows.

Aluminium doors

PRODUCTION LINE manufactures reliable and high-quality external aluminium doors of various designs. Our doors have high tightness and thermal insulation, as well as a wide range of security options.

Aliuminio fasadai

Aluminium facade systems

PRODUCTION LINE designs and manufactures aluminium facade systems for commercial and premium residential buildings. Aluminium facade systems allow you to realize your most daring architectural ideas.

Stumdomų durų sistemos

Sliding door systems

PRODUCTION LINE offers the most modern and technically advanced sliding door systems.

Vidinės sienų pertvaros

Internal walls

PRODUCTION LINE manufacturers modern internal walls with ultra-slim appearance and excellent technical characteristics.

Konstrukcijos apsaugančios nuo įsilaužimo

Anti-burglary structures

PRODUCTION LINE aluminum systems offer a variety of solutions that enhance the security of buildings through increased resistance to burglary. Among the products we offer are those that provide the highest level of security available on the market.